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title: Account: Reset Password
description: How to reset your password
published: true
date: 2023-08-08T03:47:08.075Z
editor: markdown
dateCreated: 2023-08-08T03:28:45.878Z

Account: Reset Password

You have forgotten your password? No problem, you can issue a password reset as long as you still have access to your email inbox.

1. Get started

To get started, you have to click on "Forgot password?"on the login screen or simply follow this link.


2. Enter previous email

Enter the email you used for your account, and hit send reset email.

enter-email.png reset-sent.png

3. Check your inbox

If you entered your email correctly, you now have a email from our systems. email-inbox.png


Click on the "Reset password" button to proceed

4. Choose a new password

Your now presented with two field to enter your new password.


Click Change password" after entering your desired password.

5. You did it!

You can now login with your new password!
